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UWITUZE Akaliza Emelyne

Birthday: 11/25/2017

UWITUZE Akaliza Emelyne

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 6

Village Ruhengeri

Gender Female

Grade Not studying

Favorite Food Rice and Beans

Interests Dancing

Family Duties Bringing small things to her mom

Family Details Emelyne loves to dance and lives with her mom and older brother. Emelyne's dad passed away when she was 2, leaving her mom alone to care for the needs of the children. Her mom farms for others which brings some food for the family, but nothing is left for market so she struggles to provide even basic needs such as food, clothes, shoes, health insurance and school fees for Emelyne and her brother.

Emelyne is anxiously waiting for a sponsor. She needs your support to have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.