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Uwimana Samuel

Birthday: 08/20/2017

Uwimana Samuel

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 6

Village Kagoma 2

Gender Male

Grade .....................

Favorite Food Rice

Interests Playing with construction tools

Family Details Samuel is a sweet boy who has had a difficult start to life. His mother became pregnant with him while still iving at home with her mother. They lived in utter poverty so Samuel's mom earned money as a prostitute and found herself with child again. His mom met a man while on the street who loved her and married his mom, but shortly after, he died of sickness leaving his mom again alone to care for Samuel and his family. Samuel's mom is now a Christian trying to love God and care for her family, but struggles to provide even basic needs such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees.

Uwimana Samuel is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able to learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.