Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 01/01/2013


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 11


Family Total for Insurance 10

Gender Female

Grade P2

Favorite Food She likes enjoying milk and bread and rice and potatoes.

Interests Writing and revising her notes is her daily favorites.

Family Duties Helping her sister fetch domestic water use and firewoods.

Family Details Grace loves to be with her friends, and she lives with her older sister Agnes and her father. Her father has had a hard life having been orphaned in the 1994 genocide against Tutsi. His first wife was paralyzed after the birth of their second child and her family took her with them, leaving the father with an infant and toddler to raise on his own. Several years later he met the mother of Grace and Agnes and after Grace’s birth her mom abandoned the family, again leaving her dad to care for all the children. He continues to do his best working as a cobbler, but it barely covers food and shelter. He struggles to provide even basic needs for Grace and her sister such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees.

Grace is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.