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Nsengiyumva Jean de Dieu

Birthday: 02/10/2014

Nsengiyumva Jean de Dieu

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 10

Village Nganwa

Gender Male

Grade P1

Favorite Food Rice and vegetables

Interests He likes to do manual jobs at home like digging

Family Duties Fetching water and firewood

Family Details Jean de Dieu is a helpful boy who lives with mother and five siblings. His father is in prison for the physical abuse of his mother. Jean de Dieu's mom is alone to care for her family and works cultivating for others as she can, but these jobs are seasonal and doesn't provide enough money to survive. His mom struggles to provide even basic needs for the family such as food, clothes, and school fees.

 Nsengiyumva Jean De Dieu is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able to learn and grow more spiritually, emotionally and sociallly..