Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

NEZERWA Benjamin

Birthday: 02/27/2019

NEZERWA Benjamin

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 5

Village Nyarunazi

Gender Male

Grade N2

Favorite Food Rice

Interests Playing soccer ball.

Family Duties Mopping the house.

Family Details Benjamin is a joyful child who lives with his older sister and mom. His mother was orphaned in the 1994 genocide when her parents and many family members were murdered. Benjamin's dad abandoned them and takes no part in caring for him. His mom is very poor and struggles to find work to provide even one meal a day, let alone rent, clothes, health insurance, or school fees for Benjamin.

Benjamin is anxiously waiting for your support that she may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.