Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 10/11/2014


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 9

Village Ruhengeri

Family Total for Insurance 2

Gender Male

Grade P2

Obama is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

May 2018 Update

Published Tue, May 08, 18. Written by Julie Klosiewski.

Obama is now living with his mom and young sister. Obama was suffering from malnutrition but because of the generosity of his sponsor, he is recovering and becoming stronger every day! This sponsorship also has provided clothes, shoes, and other basic needs. Because Obama is so young, he's unable to express how much this love and support means in his life, but he is now happy and responsive, which is different than before. His mom is grateful for the support they are receiving via Hope for Children, because it is bringing hope for bright future for her son.


2018 April Update - Obama

Published Fri, Apr 06, 18. Written by Julie Klosiewski.

Obama, as you can see in the picture, is not very happy. That's because he's not feeling well. But because of a generous sponsor, he now has health insurance and is able to be treated at the clinic. 

His is moving farther from being malnourished and is gaining healthy body weight.

