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MIZERO Don Crisper

Birthday: 12/06/2018

MIZERO Don Crisper

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 5


Gender Male

Grade N2

Favorite Food Rice

Interests He is interested much in football but also likes all kind of sports.

Family Duties He likes fetching water for domestic use.

Family Details Crisper is a lovable child who lives with his father and 2 siblings. His father is a genocide survivor who sews for a living and his mother abandoned him and the family, leaving Crisper's dad as sole provider. His job does not bring in enough money to sustain the family and there are days Crisper and his family go without food. His dad struggles to provide even basic needs such as food, clothes, insurance, and school fees. He wishes Crisper to have a good education and a hope for a better life.

Crispe is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.