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Birthday: 10/16/2015


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 8

Village Rugarama

Gender Male

Grade P2

Favorite Food Chips and rice.

Interests He like playing football.

Family Duties Mopping the house.

Family Details Lionery is a sweet boy who lives with both parents and two siblings. His parents, who are survivors of the 1994 genocide, lost their parents and almost all of their relatives to genocide. His mom is uneducated, and his dad was a driver which supported the family until he was in an accident and lost the use of his arm. The doctors will no longer allow him to drive or do any work that requires his arm. This brought poverty to the family. Lionery's parents struggle to provide basic needs such as food, clothes, insurance, and school fees.

Lionery is anxiously waiting for your support that she may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.