Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

ITUZE Gaella

Birthday: 07/31/2017

ITUZE Gaella

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 6

Village Rusekera

Family Total for Insurance 8

Gender Female

Grade N3

Favorite Food Beans and Rice

Interests Playing with toys

Family Duties Sweeping

Family Details Gaella has 2 older sisters and they live with their mom and dad. Her dad is a genocide survivor who lost his first wife, children and extended family during that time of genocide. He is elderly and disabled and is not able to work. Gaells's mom works at cultivating for others which brings in some food, but there is no surplus for market. They are very poor even and though the government has given them a place to live, Gaella's parents struggle to provide even basic need of food, clothes, health insurance and school fees for her and her sisters.

Gaella is now fully sponsored and has got  new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Thank you!

Published Thu, Jun 23, 22. Written by Julie Klosiewski.

 Thanks for sponsoring Gaella. Your support will help her to have an education, food, a school uniform, and more.

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