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Irumva Gaelle

Birthday: 04/29/2016

Irumva Gaelle

Place Kicukiro

Age 8

Village Kabaha

Gender Female

Grade P2

Favorite Food Fries, and rice

Interests She is a happy girl

Family Duties She likes washing the utensils

Family Details Gaelle is a happy girl who likes to help. She lives with her mom and two siblings. They have had a hard life as they faced domestic abuse and violence in their home to the point where they thought their father would kill their mother. Now Gaelle's mom has taken the children to keep the family safe, but her mom has been traumatized from the abuse of her husband. Her mom struggles to provide basic needs such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees for her children.

Irumva Gaelle is anxiously waiting for your support that she may be able to learn and grow, socially, economically and spiritually.