Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 02/04/2016


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 8

Family Total for Insurance 4

Gender Male

Grade P2

Favorite Food Beans, Potatoes, Cassava

Interests playing soccer

Family Duties Bringing small things to her mother

Family Details Iranzi is a happy child who is almost always smiling. He lives with his mom and 2 brothers. His father abandoned them in 2017, leaving them on their own. Iranzi's mom tries to find work but it is very difficult so they are very poor. She's unable to provide food or clothing on a regular basis, let alone afford health insurance or the meager public school fees required for her children to attend school. Iranzi spends most of his day on the street and needs a sponsor to have HOPE for a bright future.

Iranzi is now fully sponsored and  has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.