Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

EZE Landa Ronald

Birthday: 07/17/2019

EZE Landa Ronald

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 4

Village RUGAZI

Gender Male

Grade N3

Favorite Food He likes having rice and sauce.

Interests He likes basketball.

Family Duties He can help mostly washing the dishes.

Family Details Landa is a very attentive child who lives with his sister and parents, who are survivors of the 1994 genocide against Tutsi where they lost their parents and most of their relatives. This leaves few people to offer any help to them. Landa's mom cannot find a job and his dad is a waiter, but the pay is not enough to sustain the family, let alone pay for school fees. The parents struggle to provide even basic needs for Landa and his sister.

Landa is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.