Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

CYUZUZO Theoneste

Birthday: 09/28/2020

CYUZUZO Theoneste

Biggest Need

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 3


Family Total for Insurance 3

Gender Male

Grade N1

Favorite Food He likes having potatoes.

Interests He likes playing football.

Family Duties He can help the mother do the laundry.

Family Details Theoneste is a curious child who is blessed to live with both his parents and a blended family of 4 siblings. His mom has had a very tragic life having been raped by an employer as she worked as a house maid. She and Theoneste's dad want to work hard cultivating for others, but it is difficult because many people depend on this type of work in order to eat. Theoneste's parents struggle to provide even basic needs and cannot send any of their children to school. They are praying for help so that at least their youngest, Theoneste, can receive an education.

Theoneste is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.